Gold Coast Pest Control

We have recently started working with Zapem Pest Management. It’s always great to connect with local trades and professionals who are very engaged in their work. I didn’t set out to learn about pest control but it’s hard not to pick up some information when you’re dealing with people who love what they do. 

I know the Gold Coast pest control market is quite busy these days. There are many people entering into this who do little more than a weekend course and buy some equipment. You can tell these sort of people from the ones who are honest and professional by the way they talk about their craft. I get the impression that Zapem know what they’re doing and are dedicating to being at the top of the Gold Cost pest control market. 

Some Pest Control Images

Below are some of the images they have sent through to us. You can see that they work in a wide range of areas. (They don’t do snake control though, that was just something they came upon while doing other work.)

What We're Doing For Zapem Pest Management

We’ll be working with them to help develop their website and expand their traffic through search engine optimization. We’ll first help them grow their content. They’ll need separate pages for their different services. We’ve already increased the content on their home page. That’s always a good place to start. It’s the main page and can be improved quite readily (as compared with making new pages and creating all the content for that new page). At this early stage of search engine optimization it’s really about dotting I’s and crossing T’s.  That means making sure all their alt tags and title tags are present, using the H1, H2 etc tags, creating enough content to ensure they have a critical mass of content for search engines, and making sure that content is optimized around their main terms. Those main terms will be pest control related. 

pest management graph

It’s early days for us but we can see some good signs. The above graph shows the improvement in search results for “pest management services”. That search term isn’t as competitive or as critical as pest control but it’s a good sign that we’re making a difference, even though it is very early days. Hopefully as the months go by we’ll be able to report similar improvements across the board, including important termite inspection and termite control searches.