We picked up a new client last year that has got our Social Media Coordinator squealing with joy. Apparently it is not so exciting curating Instagram accounts for electricians and pest inspectors – who knew! But landscaping and gardens is her happy spot. It gives her an excuse to visit gardens, take photos of pretty plants and learn a bit more about gardening as she goes. So I guess I need to thank Focal Point Landscape for choosing us as their SEO guys as we now have a lush edible garden as a result of the SMC’s research! She has learnt about companion planting and what grows well on the the Gold Coast when.
Who are Focal Point Landscape Maintenance?
Focal Point Landscape are a Gold Coast based garden and landscape company. Edmund and his team of gardeners provide a wide range of services including;
- Garden Maintenance
- Irrigation
- Landscape Construction Services
- Lawn Mowing
- Pruning
- Turfing
- Weed Spraying
- Pest Control
And their reviews speak volumes.
We at Gold Coast Computer repair started the relationship with a simple computer repair, I think it was a new laptop when we realised that the old one was not going to recover from a dunk in a pond during a quote for a client! We got talking about websites, SEO and social media and as they say the rest is history. Focal Point is a good client to work with, they already had a website with plenty of content, our role was to make that content findable on Google. Which we have done. Now our role is to maintain that presence and keep adding new content.